Archive | July 2006

Nintendo DS Browser (Opera)

My browser order from Play-Asia arrived today.

The video reviews from Joshua Zimmerman are accurate.  I don’t have much to add, so watch his videos for a more complete look.  Here are my thoughts:


  • The browser renders as well as you would expect if you have done any browsing on a modern PDA or really modern phone.


  • The page loading speed issue he mentions is pretty bad, but those of us who browse from our phones or PDAs already know that we have to pick and choose which sites we visit to avoid frustration.


  • Cookies, HTTP Authentication credentials and History are all forgotten when you turn off the DS.
  • Users cannot move around on the page while the browser is loading images.
  • The interface text is in Japanese, so some options are not readable.
  • You have to carry around the DS Browser card (as with any DS game) AND the memory expansion cartridge for the GBA slot.

Zazzle: impressions after two custom t-shirt purchases

Zazzle is:

At Zazzle, you can share and celebrate your interests and passions with unique one-of-a-kind products from apparel to greeting cards! Whether those interests are pets, family, collecting, art, cars, or sports, you’ve found the place to express your creativity and share what is uniquely you! It’s easy, fun, and affordable. And thanks to our start-of-the-art reproduction techniques and unparalleled customer support, you’re sure to be delighted by the results. Now…prepare to be Zazzled!

I ordered two shirts from Zazzle. The first was a tribute to Avenue Q. It said “Say NO to SchadenfreudE” on the front and “Avenue Q” on the back. The t-shirt was men’s large black, with orange text. The font I chose (from a wide selection) was very Battlestar Gallactica.

That shirt turned out great and I like to wear it, but it was only a very basic test of what Zazzle can do.

The second shirt I bought was a green medium kids t-shirt with the ID symbol for Dalek Sec of the Cult of Skaro from Doctor Who: Doomsday. I ordered the shirt on Sunday and it was delivered on Tuesday. The graphic I used was a 100×50 png image I drew based on the show.

I guess the outer edge on my original had some translucency which created an excellent effect on the final product. The lines on the inside of the symbol are very clean against the green of the shirt, but the outside sort of fades nicely into the green. If I wanted clean edges, I could have edited the image to remove that translucency, but I took a risk leaving it in and it really payed off.

Anyway, great job Zazzle!!!

Update: Glen F sent me corrected spellings for the Daleks from the Cult of Skaro: “The cult is made up of Dalek CAAN, Dalek RABE, Dalek SEC & Dalek THAY”. Thanks Glen!