Archive | September 2005

Gameboy Micro Faceplate Hacking Progress

Drawing power from the EXT port on the back of the micro, I installed a green LED under the faceplate. I also scratched a design into the black faceplate – the paint on the top comes off easily with a pocket knife. The light doesn’t diffuse enough to illuminate the whole design, so I purchased a bunch of tiny surface mount LEDs. They should arrive early next week.

Replacement black faceplates won’t be available until November, so I’m going to try to clean the paint off of another faceplate and paint it black. I should be able to try that on Monday.

Keith Kerlan(thanks Keith!) has been helping a lot with bouncing around ideas and such.

I emailed Nintendo about the mysterious jack and they haven’t been any help, yet. One rep thinks it’s a rivet. 😦

Gameboy Micro Faceplate Hacking Progress

I’ve been busy with family stuff for the past few days, but I’ve made some progress:

It turns out that my triwing screwdriver IS small enough to work on the micro’s screws. I just had to push hard enough while turning. I disassembled it and tested the leads heading into the connector. There is definitely 1.7 volts headed into the connector, but I still haven’t been able to get a reading from the jack itself. I now have some homemade test leads that are probably thin enough and I’ll try again tonight.

Update (9/28/05): Just tested with my new thin leads. There is no power coming from the strange jack.

Japanese Gameboy Micro Faceplate (Concepts?)

Nintendo Japan has a flash app that shows 160 faceplates for the micro. Judging from the lack of a finished feeling to most of them, I’m assuming these are concept art or contest entries.

This one is a neat idea – imagine getting a custom-drawn, signed faceplate from your favorite artist!

More here.

Nintendo DS Homebrew WIFI Progress

Stephen Stair say’s it’s smooth sailing from here on out on his WIFI project. We’re all rooting for you, man!

Field of work Completion Level
Receiving data: 100%
Transmitting data: 85%
Interrupts/Data Queuing: 95%
arm7/arm9 communication structure: 100%
802.11b implementation (arm7): 85%
TCP/IP [integrating lwIP] (arm9): 20%
API for other wireless functions (arm9): 90%