Archive | December 2006

Hugh Macleod and the Nokia 770

I was just thinking to myself that Hugh would love the 770’s sketch application. The 770’s high resolution and small size, I would think, make it the perfect device for drawing black and white cartoons the size of business cards. Imagine my surprise, then, when a search shows that he already has a 770 but curiously doesn’t say anything about sketching on one.

Nokia 770 Install Log

I reflashed my new Nokia 770 earlier this week and started installing stuff from scratch. I’m keeping a log of changes here. I mention it here in case you are curious, but PLEASE don’t use it as a how-to. I may have left out steps for various items and I am not responsible for any damage you may do.

If you ARE looking for howtos, go here. Thoughtfix collected a tremendous list of articles and howtos for new 770 owners. Nice!

My New Wallet: An All-Ett

My new wallet arrived today. It’s an All-Ett. Holds everything my old wallet did at less than half the thickness. Seriously. They use really thin material, so the all-ett is thinner than other wallets when empty. Then, the all-ett is longer – it has 4 areas for stacks of cards rather than 2.

Google Reader for the Sony Mylo?

Is there any interest out there for a version of that will work on the Sony Mylo? If so, let me know and I’ll start to investigate. I’m thinking a slideable feed list and lots of hotkey support.

I don’t have a Mylo, but it shouldn’t be too hard to get something working.

Here is a screenshot of ReaderMini on a Nokia 770. A compromise between Google Reader and Google Reader Mobile

Google Reader doesn’t work well on the Nokia 770. And Google Reader Mobile is too limited. Enter

With, you can browse your feeds on a Nokia 770 much more quickly than with either of the official Google Reader versions.

TODO List:

Deal with auth and command token timeouts.

Funky html problem that affects the ‘read/unread’ button sometimes.

Clicking read, starred, shared should mark an item unread, not starred, not shared.

Bug: AJAX requests don’t start the internet connection on the 770. Pop a dialog or put a request in an iframe.

Bug: After some point, the feed list doesn’t follow the scroll bar. May only happen on the 770.

Bug: Image handling in Opera on the 770 might leak. After browsing several feeds with lots of images, images stop showing up. Workaround: refresh the browser. Solution: Find a way to clean up the images.

“Hide feeds with no unread items” option

Buttons in rm for 770 need to be bigger.

Add to todo list:

Thicker scrollbar option

mark all as read api integration ( this!) (greghaspants)

Feed list is not 100% of viewport. pgdn skips a ot of feeds.

“Unread only” option

Incorporate some of the great ‘reading feeds on a touchscreen’ discussion points at this post.

Scroll using pen drag instead of the scrollbar (keesj on #maemo, Jonathan Greene on groups)

Scrolling marks items read

Can scrolling with mouse or pen drag be added for all browsers with JS? — if so, I can go back to the non-jerky version of the feed list.

FAQ page in Wiki (auth, goals, contact, other apps, pointer to niall)

Known Issues, changelog, Todo list page in Wiki: incorporate those into the ‘home’ page of’s interface and the front (login) page.

Subscribe to feed functionality (keesj on #maemo)

HTTPS login, security warnings

Show more than 20 items per feed (paging, load on scroll?)

River view for categories

Blog this button

Tag functionality

Degraded mode for browsers that can’t handle dojo and ajax

ReaderMini and alpha.ReaderMini favicons

Gregarius backend – no reason that ReaderMini shouldn’t integrate with other Aggregator software.

Sliding feed list so more real estate goes to feeds.

Keyboard shortcuts for non touch screen browsers (Sony Mylo)

Outlook preview pane theme.

done: Link items back to their original posts.

done: Put feeds and feed contents in separate, scrollable containers.

done: Reset the feed contents scroll area when a new feed is clicked.

done: demo account

done: allow reload after login (redirect to / after successful login)

done: mark read button

done: star,share buttons

done: Progress Animation